web CIP Norsk Ambassador 006

Norwegian ambassador visits Høst

The interest in the Power-to-X technology extends far beyond Danish borders. Last week Norway's ambassador, visited HØST PtX Esbjerg while touring the EnergyMetropolis.

International attention

Esbjerg is attracting a great deal of international attention in the wake of the North Sea Summit, which underpinned the city’s status as center for green transition within energy production. Naturally, energy was also an item on the agenda when the Norwegian ambassador to Denmark, Katja Christina Nordgaard, visited the city over two days.

Crucial to a strong PtX industry

The program included a visit/stop at Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners and project HØST, where project director David Dupont-Mouritzen gave an introduction to the project, which led to discussions of the crucial prerequisites for developing a strong PtX industry (in Denmark).

- We are pleased with the great interest which the project attracts both in Denmark and abroad. The fact that the Norwegian ambassador finds time to hear about the project is in line with our desire to share knowledge and facts about both HØST and PtX in general.
There are great prospects for Nordic co-operation in this area. Among other things a Denmark could, be inspired by the Norwegian electricity tariffs, which since 2015 have been designed to cater for flexible, large-scale electricity consumers such as the HØST- plant, says David Dupont-Mouritzen.

Interesting Norwegian model

For David Dupont-Mouritzen, it makes tremendously good sense to look at the brother country to create a more balanced electricity grid.

- What makes Norway particularly interesting in a PtX context is the fact that Norway has a long history of integrating large electricity consumers into the electricity grid. In turn, a model has been developed which in an intelligent way creates flexibility in consumption and thus a better balance in the electricity grid. In terms of electricity- and energy supply technology, this transformation is a huge challenge, where we can learn a lot from the Norwegian model.

PtX ensures an even price level for the everyday consumer

For everyday consumers, a better balance will lead to tangible benefits ensuring not only a more efficient utilization of resources but also a positive impact on electricity prices.

- This particular behaviour, which characterizes the large-scale, industrial electricity consumers, is really what the future electricity grid needs. It will ensure an even price level and a consumption that is in line with production, avoiding waste of resources and unnecessarily high prices for private consumers, says David Dupont-Mouritzen, who points out that Norwegian tariffs - like the Danish ones - must be cost-effective for everyday consumers. This follows the current EU legislation, which will be relevant, when it comes to changing Danish electricity tariffs.



Photo: Red Star - The Norwegian ambassador to Denmark, Katja Christina Nordgaard, together with the Norwegian consul, John Sørensen (right), visited Høst PtX Esbjerg, where they discussed green transition with project director David Dupont-Mouritzen (left).