web NY M3A6520

About the plant

Green ammonia made in Denmark

HØST PtX Esbjerg is a hydrogen and ammonia plant under development, deploying industrial use of electrolysis-technology on GW-level. Power-to-X (PtX) is a next generation renewable energy and storage technology which represents a significant new chapter in large-scale decarbonization of e.g., infrastructure and agriculture. The plant will rely on electricity from renewables as its sole source of energy. The outcome of this CO2-free production process is green hydrogen, which can either be sold directly or converted to green ammonia. Most of the world’s production of ammonia today is used for fertilizers from which more than half of the world’s population is dependent from a nutritional perspective.

100.000 tonnes of hydrogen – 600,000 tonnes of ammonia

HØST PtX Esbjerg will use renewable resources to produce approx. 100.000 tonnes of green hydrogen that can be supplied to the future hydrogen grid. If converted, this amount of hydrogen equals 600,000 tonnes of green ammonia that can be used as feedstock for fertilizer production and as green fuel in the maritime industry. The plant will operate flexibly adapting to the available power production from renewables, which is converted into hydrogen and/or stored as ammonia.

Flexible operation

The flexible operation of HØST PtX Esbjerg will ensure efficient use of the electricity being fed into the Danish energy system from the planned 10GW offshore wind build-out in the North Sea. Furthermore, the process heat from the production of hydrogen and ammonia will be utilized for district heating of 15,000 households in the Esbjerg/Varde area by the local utility company, DIN Forsyning.

One of Europe's largest green PtX plants

With a capital investment of more than 2 billion EUR, HØST PtX Esbjerg will be one of the leading PtX plants in Denmark. The project will also be among the first gigawatt-scale PtX facilities in Europe, contributing to the much-needed acceleration of the decarbonization journey towards carbon neutrality in 2050. The development of the project is expected to be made in 2-3 years, followed by a final investment decision in 2025. Construction of the project is expected to be finalized in 2028/29.

  • Capital investment of EUR ~2 bn
  • Site location in Måde industrial area close to the port of Esbjerg
  • Footprint of app. 30 ha
  • Final investment decision due in 2025
  • Expected to enter full operation in 2028/29
  • 100-150 permanent jobs